A Rienda Suelta
A Rienda Suelta is the new production of Cia. Du'K'tO, a 45-minute street show for all audiences, which brings together three of the company's founding members. The show puts human relationships, play, and public space at the centre of creation.
A Rienda Suelta is to let yourself be carried away; it is to let your imagination fly through play and memory, enjoying this moment collectively. Three friends who have fun with each other and with the audience, expressing themselves in the language of acrobatics, dance, and humour.
The show sets off from simple and recognizable games that, with this "letting yourself go" by the group itself, ends up building more complex and virtuous movement structures. The company presents a proposal full of vitality, humour, and plasticity, which aims to create new opportunities for us to relate to each other in the public space.
A Rienda Suelta also considers the relationship between the performers and the audience. How the dynamics created by a group of people can feel like their own identity and, at the same time, invite the spectators to be infected with the same energy, with the same experience? In the show, the line that separates the stage space from the public space is blurred, allowing the performers to be immersed in the audience and to create a relationship so close that, at times, it is impossible to differentiate.
A Rienda Suelta was been premiere at Fira Tàrrega ’23 after a cycle of presentations during the summer in the form of previews. The proposal counts on the involvement of Cronopis, Espai de Circ a Mataró (CAT), the Centre d’Investigació Escènica (IB), the Teatre Principal de Palma (IB), the Fira de Circ al Carrer (CAT), Societat Cultural Sant Jaume (CAT) and l’Aula de Teatre (CAT). Likewise, the project recently won the Lola Casademunt Audience Award 2023 at the Fira de Circ al Carrer of La Bisbal d'Empordà (July 2023), as well as the Espai l'Amistat Prize for Artistic Creation organized by the Premià de Mar Town Council, which signifies recognition of the project and financial support for the creation process. The show is also included in the circus recommendations for 2024 at Programa.cat (CAT).
Artistic Sheet
Original idea and production: Cia. Du’K’tO
Artistic direction: Lucio A. Baglivo
Choreographic external view: Laia Santanach
Music design: Pol Jubany
Performers: Adrián Pérez, Bàrbara Vidal and Bernat Messeguer
Video and photography: Raul Cavero Garrido
Collaboration: Cronopis Espai de Circ a Mataró (CAT), Centre d’Investigació Escènica (IB), Teatre Principal (IB), Fira de Circ al Carrer (CAT), SC Sant Jaume (CAT), Aula de Teatre (CAT)
Support: Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural / Departament de Cultura (CAT) and Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics (IB)
Lenght: 45'
Area: circus and contemporary dance
Aimed for: all audiences
Premiere: Fira Tàrrega ‘23
Booking: Fani Benages
France booking: Àngels Queralt
Winner of "Espai l'Amistat a la Creació Artística '22" awards
Audience award of "Fira de Circ al Carrer '23"
Nomination at "Teatre Barcelona Awards '24" - Best Street Show
Recommended show at "Programa.cat '24"
Selected show at "Espai de Carrer '24"
Selected at "CircoEscena '24"
Selected at "EKO Pyrénées de Cirque '24 / '25"