Artistic Sheet
Lume is the fourth production of Cia. Du´K´tO, a show created in the project of Circ de Nadal 2020 of Cronopis, Espai de Circ de Mataró. It integrates two artists of Cronopis in the show and in the structure of the company: Rocío Belén Reyes and Odilo Fernández.
The artistic proposal starts with a white space that generates a journey inside the structure; moment to take consciousness of the human being. During this tour of the public entrance, the four characters are discovered, who transit between the fantastic and real world, representing the metaphor of looking yourself in the mirror.
Soon this space is transformed through a dynamic setting, where all lights and shadows add new dimension that mix with aromas, textures, and colours. The characters chose an act of freedom and courage to face the opposites, getting into play through a scenic language that born from the circus and the theatre, where the integration of acrobatic portés with the trapeze stands out.
The public, as well as the artists, will have to face this antagonist’s world, where the individual responsibility and freedom of movement during the show will determine the way the experiences is lived.
Under the artistic direction of Celso and Frana of EIA Company, and after two months of creation process, the Cia. Du’K’tO represent ten functions at the Christmas cycle that each year takes places in Cronopis. This cycle is a first presentation of the show, which will continue to develop during the first months of 2021 to propose the absolute premiere and the subsequent exhibition tour.
Production: Cia. Du'K'tO (CAT)
Artistic direction: Frana & Celso, companyia de circ EIA
External view: Antxón Ordoñez, Accidental Company
Lights design: Bernat Messeguer
Lights design assistence: Ivan Tomasevic
Lights technician: Inka García
Escenographic assistence: Benet Jofre
Photography: Raquel Cros
Video: Julián Waisbord
Artists: Odilo Fernández, Bàrbara Vidal, Sofia Núñez and
Bernat Messeguer.
Collaboration with: Cronopis Espai de Circ (CAT)
Support of: Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural
of Departament de Cultura (CAT) and
Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics (IB)
Booking: Bernat Messeguer