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From dream to idea, from idea to project, from project to adventure, from adventure to In-Confort.
What’s happening when four artists embark on the adventure of creating a show?
Welcome to In-Confort!
The story of a path to the uncertainty, the unknown, the intensity and the discomfort, or how we like to call it, a way of discovering, growing, emotions and vitality.
A creative road that takes four people to the intense confrontation between the individuality and the group, distorting their own reality.
Production: Cia. Du'K'tO (CAT)
Coproduction: C&C Company (IT) and Taller d'Art, Cultura i Creació (CAT)
Artistic direction: Carlo Massari
Performers: Arnau Andreu, Adrián Pérez, Bàrbara Vidal i Bernat Messeguer
Area: Circ i dansa contemporània, multidsiciplinar
Lenght: 50'
Stage: outdoor and indoorCarrer i sala
Aimed for: all audiences
Premiere: Mirabilia Festival (IT), 02/07/20
National Premiere: Fira de Circ al Carrer de la Bisbal d'Empordà (CAT), 16/07/2017
Indoor Premiere: L'Estruch, Fàbrica de Creació de les Arts en Viu, (CAT), 02/02/2018

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